January 31, 2010

Oh The Stories Told

Stories so MANY stories

After watching & attending “The Show of Hearts-Telethon”

There are SO many stories of how Variety has helped.

I was & wasn’t aware of just how many Special Children need basics from Variety

It feels like our Children are getting lost in the G system.

We feel BLESSED by Variety

Blessed by our Community

By our Family & Friends

We know that Mason’s “syndrome’s” are very serious...

But my son CAN live!

My son is thriving...

I don’t know what the future holds?

But I pray that it holds a life of Health and no Serious Diseases.

We sometimes feel like life is so hard...for Mason it can be.

BUT for Nick & I it is not hard, just different.

I learned this today, from many Children.

I am filled with many emotions after the telethon.

I feel like we are so fortunate to HAVE Mason, no matter what we have to endure.

I feel so many different emotions after SEEING the stories...SEEING the Children.

Don’t get me wrong I know that we have our difficulties, Mason has Special needs...

But we are not the only ones...we are so lucky to just have the needs we do have.

What if we needed more..alot more?

Would the G help us?

Probably not...

But Variety would!

Every time one of the Hosts said,

“You are helping children, SEE, HEAR....But never EAT?

So I just screamed “Eat” at the TV several times!

I just feel so fortunate...My son does get to EAT


Hopefully a very normal life.

I am praying for the other Families around the Province.

Around the World.

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7)

January 30, 2010


VARIETY-the children’s charity

Without Variety

Life would be so hard.


The meaning of charity:

“generous actions or donations to aid the poor, ill, or helpless.”

We as a family have felt “helpless” due to Mason’s “ill”ness and have become “not poor”, but have a CRAZY amount of debt.


Variety has been there for us when no one else was.

Charity is paying for Mason to survive.

Without Mason’s Feeding “tubie” he would die.

In Canada, where we have “Universal” Health Care...

there is no proper “care” for Mason’s “Syndrome’s”.

The government hasn’t yet covered Mason’s basics to survive.

By Basics, I mean $3000 dollars a month in Medical Supplies.

We have received a one year grant from H.E.N. (www.providencehealthcare.org) to cover Mason’s formula, eight feeding bags (supposed to use a new one everyday) and one extension per month (Supposed to be one a week) and one syringe a week...This is just about half of what Mason NEEDS to LIVE.

We as a family have become known to every Government Agency.

Everyone agrees that Mason’s basics SHOULD be covered...

But The Government isn’t willing to help us...

Rescued by VARIETY.

Variety has and is helping us...

Mason has a ONE year grant...

This coming October we will count on Variety to help us again,

will you help them help us?

Without Variety this year we were looking at having a VERY broken family...

The Government recommended it.



Help us Support Variety...The link is on our page.

Supporting Variety

is supporting MASON and many other Special Children.

Will you help?

Most people won’t...

What about you?

To those who have already Donated or helped our Family personally...we are forever grateful and give the Glory to God.

January 29, 2010


The last two day have been filled with “Gross”
Carter has a virus...a rash...NOT the Measles
Poor thing,
I am itchy for him.

Mason has decided to be a “Rebel”
Must drink water...Must drink water...
Josh’s cup...sink...wet shirt sleeve...puddles
Must drink water
This creates a BIG PROBLEM called...
When there is aspiration, there is at least...
A mucus build up in Mason’s throat...
Along comes “Mr Vomit”
Along with “Gross” Laundry
I will NEVER EAT OR SMELL VANILLA AGAIN without retching!
(Mason’s Formula is Vanilla, silly since it’s for his tubie)
Ten PM...Daddy sporting “Gross” Vanilla
Eleven PM...Emerg Page Doc...
Midnight Shopper’s Drug Mart...Pedialite
Morning to call Doc...
How would you feed a tubie who can’t keep anything down?
It’s a science that not many people know.
I am learning...
Mason hangs his head in sadness...
Ugg...I am sorry Buddy...


“Mason is doing well!”
“I know...he has gone continious”
“Hmmm...I see”
“When is Mason going to get better”
“We should look into getting a G-tube Nutritional Specialist”
“He has a some kind of Neuro disorder”
“I know, but how do I get Neuro to see that?”
“I don’t know”
“What else is new”
“The Child Psyc will prob help you”
“Way to pass the buck”

January 27, 2010



As I have been creating this blog, there has been so much reflection.


Josh, he is such a handful! But I couldn’t live without him.
I feel so much Heartache for what he has had to deal with these last two years.
Never knowing who is coming and going...is Mommy & Mason going to be home?
Who will be there in the middle of the night?
Josh knows that Mason is special, and he knows Mason has a tube.
But how much can a four year old really understand?
God Bless his heart, he doesn’t understand that Mason doesn’t understand.
I think he would like it if Mason could just play with him.
Josh has so much love in his heart, he loves Carter more than anything else.
He has been through so much, as I reflect in what it has been to be Josh this past two years, I have realized that there is nothing more important than for to provide a stable environment for him.
We have decided to put Josh in Surrey Christian School.
We know that we can’t really afford it, but God has put it on our hearts.
God will provide the way.


Reflections of Mason, OY OY!
These past two years have been the hardest years of my life.
I feel like I let my son’s health slip...I let the Doctors push us around.
Mason did have something wrong with him, I wasn’t crazy like EVERYONE was saying.
Mason has taught everyone around us what the word “MIRACLE” means.
I am working hard to help Mason as much as I can.
I feel like I am falling so short of what he needs.
I which the “Universal” Health Care of Canada, would just help us.
Why must Mason suffer, waiting, not understanding what is going on?
Mason has alot of frustration,
I feel his frustration all day everyday.
Reflections of Mason, OY OY!


When Carter was born everything changed.
When the doctors told me something was wrong I cried.
When I couldn’t cuddle Carter or make him comfortable, I weeped.
“I will NOT have two with tubies”
“Lord help Carter”
The Doctors where able to help him, thanks to Mason’s struggles.
He is on a lot of Meds, But he is my chubby baby...
He is doing well...thanks to Mason’s struggles.
I pray daily that Carter will continue to do well...NO more tubies allowed in my house.
Carter, a happy, chubby, wide-eyed little boy.
I questioned God why he gave me more...
I know now that C is to add more Joy into our lives.
When I have had enough....ENOUGH
Carter smiles at me...And I cry tears of thankfulness...
He brings a sense of peace in our hearts.
Baby Carter


Has been the person,
I cry with,
talk with,
Nick has aged...LOL...sorry hun!
We have been through so much.
The odds are against us.
Many worry about our Marriage.
I couldn’t live with out Nick.
He is my love, he has my heart.
Nick is there when no other human being is...
He understands, he doesn’t judge.
Nick is a father...
We are his reason.
Nick is my love.


Oh reflections...
I see my reflection,
Three boys and a little Angel have helped create my “mommy” figure...LOL
A figure I am working on.
My skin reflects my feelings real well these days...
My emotions or lack of being able to control them reflect what my heart has been through.
I used to be able to hide...
No more.
I have learned life lessons well beyond my years, I have aged 10 years at least.
I have reflected on myself as a Wife & Mother,
Am I a good Wife?
Good Mother?
What can I do to do better...
It gets dark sometimes...
Did I let J & M down?
Would M be this way if I had pushed sooner?
People ask...
“How do you do it”
I reply,
“He is my son...this is my life...God gave me this Blessing”
“What would you do”
It blows my mine to think of how Mommy’s can...
I could never hand my son over.
This is my family.
I love J & M & C.
They are my REASON!
I don’t care what people think, what people say...
I have no time for Drama.
I am going to do whatever it takes to give my Son’s what they need.
I am a Wife...I am a Mom
I have not lost...I have gained.
God is using me...
There have been reflections...