April 20, 2010

It's a love/hate thing...

10 things i could & couldn't live without.
Part 1: Joshua

1. I could live without Joshua's asthma
2. I could live without him getting up before 6am EVERY morning.
3. I could live without the way he cries, "I want daddy"...never Mommy.
4. I could live without his attitude problem" as he calls it, his anger, stamping those feet & biting his brother!
5. I could live without his picky food choices.
6. I could live without his mess spread from one end to the other end of the house.
7. I could totally live without his need to be moving at all times.
8. I could live without his deep annoyance of his brothers presence.
9. I could live without his insane need to know what's happening at least 30 mins before or heaven forbid we have melt down city.
10. I could live without his need to talk back & correct my every aspect of living at the age of 4.
yes mom, I know i used to do that too...

1. I could not live without Josh's "crazy faces" that make me laugh even when he is in trouble.
2. I could not live without his smart little brain that is teaching me so much already!
3. I could not live without his willingness to help...most of the time.
4. I could not live without his crazy stories that he shares with us daily.
5. I could not live without the fact that he eats & eats...
6. I could not live without his snuggles every once & while when Daddy's not home.
7. I could not live without his serious love for games!
8. I could not live without his caring thoughts for Mason & Carter.
9. I could not live without his need to inform me when I doing a good job.
10. I could not live without his love for Jesus Christ!

Part 2: Mason is to follow tomorrow!

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